Finding balance in your writing routine

There is something in the way that many of us approach life where we feel it is important to do it all. We have to be a mother, a loving wife, successful in business, a sex goddess, and mentally stable. We give so much of ourselves to others that we often forget to leave something for ourselves. And when the pressures of life become too much, multiple things from that list go out the window.

Our friends might see the disaster coming and tell us that we need to slow down. Yet, there is something in our psyches pushing us to keep going. We have to be Wonder Woman—until we can't function anymore and we break down.

Numerous times in recent years, I have been forced to face this very situation. There are things that I want to achieve, and I know what it will take to get there. But there are only so many hours in the day and sleep is a necessity—unfortunately. So, other things get neglected, and the question of my mental stability is often left on the table for discussion.

I know I'm not alone in this struggle. When I have a conversation with others about time management, common threads seem to surface. It doesn't matter if you're a woman or not. It doesn't matter if your writer or not. Finding the balance between what you do and who you are is a struggle for everyone.

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