9 Misconceptions about Traditional Publication

It doesn't happen often, but occasionally I find myself in the middle of the conversation with a new writer who is interested in heading down traditional publication roads. In some cases, the new writer is already familiar with the basics associated with querying and the hunt for an agent or publisher. However, sometimes I come across a new writer who is clueless about what it will really take to get their book published by traditional means.

If you fall into this clueless category, know now that you are not alone and are normal. I was there once myself, completely delusion and as clueless as they come. When I started on my own publication journey, I had no idea what it was really going to take. As I started to learn about this industry, I discovered how much I really didn't know.

It's that old saying: the more you learn, the more you realized how much you don't know. And I'm still learning!

Today, I want to address some of the misconceptions that many new writers have about the traditional publication road.

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Finding balance in your writing routine

There is something in the way that many of us approach life where we feel it is important to do it all. We have to be a mother, a loving wife, successful in business, a sex goddess, and mentally stable. We give so much of ourselves to others that we often forget to leave something for ourselves. And when the pressures of life become too much, multiple things from that list go out the window.

Our friends might see the disaster coming and tell us that we need to slow down. Yet, there is something in our psyches pushing us to keep going. We have to be Wonder Woman—until we can't function anymore and we break down.

Numerous times in recent years, I have been forced to face this very situation. There are things that I want to achieve, and I know what it will take to get there. But there are only so many hours in the day and sleep is a necessity—unfortunately. So, other things get neglected, and the question of my mental stability is often left on the table for discussion.

I know I'm not alone in this struggle. When I have a conversation with others about time management, common threads seem to surface. It doesn't matter if you're a woman or not. It doesn't matter if your writer or not. Finding the balance between what you do and who you are is a struggle for everyone.

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Nothing on the internet is private

I hadn't intended on writing a second blog post this month, but the recent storm that has hit editing circles has highlighted what I call a hidden trap of the internet. And this one is one that would seem as obvious as the nose on my face, yet there are fools who just don't understand it.

Nothing on the internet is private. Not emails. Not personal messages. Not even chat room conversations.

If a computer or electronic device is involved somewhere within the process of passing information from one person to another, then there is a very real possibility that the information could be leaked and made public.

On November 12, 2021, Victoria Strauss released a blog post on the Writer Beware blog about an editor and their shady practices. Within the editors' circles, there is concern about this particular editor's practices and how it might reflect on editors as a whole, but most of the conversation I've seen centers around the shocking nature of the editor's emails and communications.

I don't want to get into the disconnect between client expectations and services provided by this editor, because that's not the hidden trap that I want to highlight. I want to focus entirely on the fact that the whole world now knows exactly how this editor communicates. And the reason we now know this is because a screen capture of email communications was shared as part of the Writer Beware blog post.

And that is the hidden trap.

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Slay the Naysayers

Every writer encounters at least one naysayer, even in the early stages of their writing careers. You know the ones I'm talking about. They're the people who say things that make you feel bad about your choices, or they hinder your ability to make progress, they shake your confidence, or zap you of energy.

They come in all different shapes and size. And some of them are stealthy in their actions, not even realizing what they're doing and the negative impact that they have over your writing.

But there are strategies for dealing with the naysayers, so you can make progress towards your hopes and dreams. It all comes down to mindset.

In today's post, I want to share with you some of my personal experiences with the different naysayers and how I deal with them.

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Finding the Right Editor

Within my various writing groups (mainly online), it's not surprising that I encounter a variety of interactions about finding an editor. While some know that I'm an editor too and not just a writer, when I take part in these conversations, it is only to pass on my knowledge and experience about the things that writers should ask when seeking to hire a freelance editor.

The questions below are general. You might not need to ask every question, but getting the answers before you work with an editor will help to go a long way in forging a healthy working relationship with your editor.

In fact, these questions can apply to any freelancer that you might hire to be part of your team, be they a cover designer, book formatter, publicist, and, to a lesser extent, an agent. (Yes, an agent is technically a freelancer too.)

Within this post, when possible, I have also included my answers (as the editor).

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Your Roles in Your Writing Business

No matter how you look at it, if you are heading down the road towards publication, then you are running a writing business. Most of us don't start out thinking of it that way. We just want to write. But with publication comes money, taxes, marketing, and sometimes hiring others.

I have written on this topic before, highlighting how this whole running-a-business thing tends to just creep up on us. But for today's post, instead of focusing on how we are all little business owners, I want to delve into the different hats that we all need to wear.

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Editing Costs and Expectations: Insider’s View of My Editing Process

It would appear that yet again I have found myself in a situation where a client might have had different expectations regarding the cost of editing. It was actually a disconnect between what I was contracted to do (and my editing process) vs what they thought I should be doing. However, regardless how you look at it, everything comes down to the cost and value of the editor's time.

I see it time and time again. There is this expectation for the editor to do more work than they have time allotted for and to be paid the same amount of money for that "more" work. This results in a devaluing of the editor's time. Believe it or not, this is the Number 1 gripe among editors.

We want to be of value to our clients, but we also have to make a wage that will actually pay the bills. So, many editors will develop practices that assist them to get through the workload faster.

Today, I want to discuss what my editorial process is like—how I do things.

My process is based on over five years of experience of working as a developmental editor. It is about ensuring that I provide the best value for money while at the same time keeping the number of hours required to do the job to a minimum.

Please note that every editor is different, so my process is not necessarily the same process as another editor.

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The Stages of Editing

When I tell people that I'm a freelance editor, it's quite common for people to assume that I spend my days just looking at spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I don't get this reaction from just the general public either. Many writers, especially new writers, also make this assumption. However, editing is so much more.

Editing falls into three main categories:

  • developmental, which encompasses the rewriting process and critiques;
  • copyediting, with the line-edits and of course famous punctuation-and-grammar concept;
  • and proofreading, which occurs after a manuscript is typeset for publication, looking for any errors that were either missed or introduced during the typesetting process.

Each stage is necessary for the production of a publishable book.

The initial drafting of a story is a solitary practice. However, during the different editing phases, it's vital for every writer to seek out those extra sets of eyes to provide objective input. The who and the when will depend entirely on what stage your manuscript is at.

The stages of editing are the same for both traditional and self-publication, it's just the players that may change.

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Writing relies on a reader’s knowledge

If you read through various blogs about writing, there is a common theme: Don't treat your readers like they're idiots. This is 100% true, because your readers will have experiences and knowledge that they bring with them, interpreting your stories with that eye. But are you taking full advantage of that preexisting knowledge?

The acclaimed science fiction writer Ray Bradbury wrote many novels and short stories that were printed in the 1950s and 1960s. His readers had survived World War II, bringing with them the knowledge and experiences they had from during the war, including the colloquial terms. Readers of today can still enjoy his stories, but there will be elements we will miss because the subtext is meaningless without the World War II experience.

Today's readers of 2001: A Space Odyssey laugh at how far off-base the predictions regarding space travel and artificial intelligence were. But it was written in 1968, one year before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. Had the space program continued at the rate it was back in the late 1960s, not stopping at the moon, then we would likely already have a colony on Mars today, changing some of the meaning of that book and movie.

While we are hopefully crafting our stories in such a way that they are timeless, there will always be a partial reliance on preexisting knowledge to understand some subtext. It's time to look at how much hidden subtext is buried within your own writing based on the experiences and preexisting knowledge of your current readers.

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Sample edits are at the editor’s discretion

A few months back, I was approached by a writer to do a developmental edit, which isn't anything out of the ordinary. I am a developmental editor, after all. But there was something in that initial communication that really didn't sit well with me.

I've written about this before, how those initial communications with a writer will tell me what type of client you're likely to be. And this one…

The email dripped with entitlement and superiority, making me question whether this particular writer was even ready to hear criticism about their writing.

It was a random email that seemed to have come out of nowhere with a file attached (an OpenOffice file, no less). There was zero information about the manuscript—no genre, no word counts, no synopsis, no summary. Just negative commentary, saying that they were unable to find my prices on my website for developmental editing (which is odd, because I know for certain that they are there—and in an easy-to-find location too). But there were also the following lines in the email.

"After I receive my sample back, I will wait for a week until I'll let you know if I'm interested or not.

Thank you for your time, and I wish you best of luck!"

So… Zero information about the project and this underlining demand for a sample edit. To top it off, there's the attitude that suggested a person who thinks editors are just waiting around for clients to give them the privilege to edit the writer's work.

Did I mention how those initial communications can tell an editor about the type of client you're likely to be?

Had this particular writer approached things just a little differently, they would have likely gotten more than just my boiler-plate quote and the comment that I don't offer free sample edits.

There are soooo many things wrong with this particular opening communication, the most important of which is the assumption that all editors will provide a free sample edit when a client demands such.

But sample edits are at the editor's discretion. And of those editors who do offer free sample edits, not all of them will edit any old sample you send them.

It's time to get down to the realities of sample edits.

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