If you are new to the publishing industry, just getting your feet wet in this game, you will have likely encountered an insane number of posts and advice tidbits on how an email list is incredibly important to include in your writer's platform. Email is much more reliable than social media in getting your messages in front of your fans. But even if you're not new to the industry, the advice on building an email list can totally do your head in.
Some advice is contradictory. Very little advice gives you solid information about what you should do or how to even start. And for those who are working on their first publications, the idea is often too overwhelming. In fact, most pre-published writers put building an email list into the too-hard basket, saying that they'll do it later—except that later never comes.
Today, I want to explore the insecurity that the debut writer faces when building an email list, and I want to tell you about a venture that I'm taking on to put some science behind some valid tactics.