Internet World

Editing software can never replace an editor

Editing software will never replace the trained eye of an editor.

I'm an editor, so of course I'm going to say that. But I'm not saying it because I want to keep my job. Sure, there is a desire to always have money coming in, but it's more than that. I make this statement because I honestly believe it—as a writer.

When talking about editing software, I'm talking about the different apps like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, Hemingway, AutoCrit, and one I recently discovered, Fictionary.

I will be the first to admit that these programs have their uses. For a writer who is floundering in the dark, they might add a little direction. But for the writer who really doesn't know their craft, these programs can do more harm than good.

For any writer wanting to learn their craft and take their writing to the next level, nothing will replace the eye of another human being.

It's time to talk about all those automated programs that are floating around and point out the flaws—and why they can't replace a human editor.

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