
A free website is still a website

If you’re not sure exactly what you want to achieve with your website, start with a free one. There is nothing wrong with a free website. Using providers like, you can create professional sites with little effort, without it costing you the earth.

Free websites from providers like, Weebly, and Wix all have a few things in common.

All of them have no contracts or fees when starting out. They will allow you to choose a domain name, but they will give you a subdomain URL in the form of This is not a bad thing, because at least you are building your brand recognition with your chosen name.

They often use user-friendly page builder tools, though some are more user-friendly than others. And there are often a number of themes that you can choose from for your websites. No technical skills are required to get your website up and going—you just need the content.

However, the free options also possess similar cons too.

The options and resources available for your websites will be limited. For example, Wix and Weebly don’t allow you to embed signup forms on your website to external providers. On, you might not be able to have an embedded form, but you can use a popup signup form to common email list providers.

The free sites also tend to offer limited technical support, and they might require you to pay for add-ons or upgrades to become fully usable sites. They will restrict how much customization you have access to, limiting how much of your branding you can incorporate into your site.

And the biggest con: the cost of a free website is the advertising that providers put on your website. Sometimes, you can influence what ads are shown, but more often than not, you can’t.

I know I’m sounding a little negative about free sites here, but seriously, they are a good option for newer and emerging writers. I started out on a free website from with a custom domain mapped onto it. If it wasn’t for business decisions that I made years ago, I would likely still be using that free website, nearly a decade after it was first created.

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Obtaining Your Own ISBNs


For those who are self publishing, if you are using portals such as Draft2Digital or Amazon KDP, it is highly attractive to use the free ISBNs available through those publishing portals. For some writers, the cost of the ISBNs is something that is not in the budgets. But those free ISBNs are not registered to you. They're not something that you can take with you when using another publishing portal. And if you were to run an ISBN search, you would not be listed as the publisher.

In today's post, we are going to talk about the importance of sourcing your own ISBN numbers if you are self-publishing your books.

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Building an Email List as a Pre-published Writer

If you are new to the publishing industry, just getting your feet wet in this game, you will have likely encountered an insane number of posts and advice tidbits on how an email list is incredibly important to include in your writer's platform. Email is much more reliable than social media in getting your messages in front of your fans. But even if you're not new to the industry, the advice on building an email list can totally do your head in.

Some advice is contradictory. Very little advice gives you solid information about what you should do or how to even start. And for those who are working on their first publications, the idea is often too overwhelming. In fact, most pre-published writers put building an email list into the too-hard basket, saying that they'll do it later—except that later never comes.

Today, I want to explore the insecurity that the debut writer faces when building an email list, and I want to tell you about a venture that I'm taking on to put some science behind some valid tactics.

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So… Google has tagged me as SPAM

I knew it was a risk, but I did it anyway… And now my entire domain has been tagged as SPAM. GAH! It's such a pain, and a situation that could have been so easily avoided if I had made different choices. But as the characters in my stories often say to one another: I've made my bed—now I have to lie in it.

But this is one of those mistakes that others can easily learn from. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and avoid the SPAM folder.

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Nothing on the internet is private

I hadn't intended on writing a second blog post this month, but the recent storm that has hit editing circles has highlighted what I call a hidden trap of the internet. And this one is one that would seem as obvious as the nose on my face, yet there are fools who just don't understand it.

Nothing on the internet is private. Not emails. Not personal messages. Not even chat room conversations.

If a computer or electronic device is involved somewhere within the process of passing information from one person to another, then there is a very real possibility that the information could be leaked and made public.

On November 12, 2021, Victoria Strauss released a blog post on the Writer Beware blog about an editor and their shady practices. Within the editors' circles, there is concern about this particular editor's practices and how it might reflect on editors as a whole, but most of the conversation I've seen centers around the shocking nature of the editor's emails and communications.

I don't want to get into the disconnect between client expectations and services provided by this editor, because that's not the hidden trap that I want to highlight. I want to focus entirely on the fact that the whole world now knows exactly how this editor communicates. And the reason we now know this is because a screen capture of email communications was shared as part of the Writer Beware blog post.

And that is the hidden trap.

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Gaining followers the right way

So, you've joined up to a new social media site. It's only natural that you want to gain followers. Let's face it, you likely joined that social media site so you can forge meaningful connections that will help you in the future to actual sell stuff.

Or did you?

This is where things get a little muddled, because there are many people who delude themselves about the truth of what they're doing—writers in particular.

Social media, regardless of the platform you are talking about, is all about building connections. It's about building those networks. The larger that network is, the better off you will be when it actually comes time to sell a book or whatever.

I'm not saying that you're going to blast "Buy my book" ads to your networks, because that is the LAST thing you should do. But, with fostered connections, when you do mention that you have a book coming out, those networks will help you to spread the word.

It might take years to build those valuable connections, but there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it.

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So, You’re Starting a Blog…

At some point within a modern writer's career, they will be forced to face that common internet-based question: To blog or not to blog? I have written about this multiple times now, and I will say it again, hopefully for the last time (though I know it won't be).

A writer should blog ONLY if they want to.

Seriously! If you don't want to blog, then DON'T. It doesn't matter what others say. A blogger who doesn't want to be doing it is so obvious and it could be harmful to your reputation as a writer.

If I was to ask you why you're blogging, there is only one answer I should get: "Because I want to." If you say anything else, then you need to go back and read my post about blogging misconceptions. If after reading that post you want to blog, then by all means, carry on. Otherwise, I'll see you in my next post.

Now that we have your reasons to be blogging out of the way, let's carry on.

I, like many other writers, spend a significant amount of time reading blogs, gleaning whatever information I can about the various aspects of the publishing industry. And there are a lot of things that I see with those blogs that are frustrating and quite frankly a bit of a turnoff.

And it's not just me. I have spoken to other writers, and we're all commenting on the same things. Yet, we see them over and over again, because some content marketer thought they would be a good idea.

It's time to tidy up the blogging world and highlight some of those ever-important Hidden Traps.

In this post, we're going to explore the content of blog posts—possible topics, the language and voice, and the paragraphing, as well as images, headings and those little things that are 100% in your control as the blogger.

So, let's get to it.

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Writer Blogs and Misconceptions

It’s the start of the year, and many writers are setting out to work harder and do more to get their names out there. For some writers, this will mean publishing another book—or a first book as the case may be. For others, this will be building their online presence, looking at their social media options. For others, it will mean a revamp of an old website—or maybe building a new website. And there will be some writers who have decided to try their hand blogging.

Blogging is one of many different ways to build your online platform and following. Through blogging, you can make your website more attractive to readers, enticing them to visit on a regular basis. Through a constant turnover of new web content, you can even improve your SEO ranking.

It's not surprising that many marketers recommend using blogs to drive traffic to a website. And it's not surprising to see so many writers turn to blogging in an attempt to build a following. Hell, I blog in part for that reason. But if you’re not careful, blogging can quickly lead to writer burnout or leave dispirited writers in a state where they just want to give up.

Blogging is NOT for everyone.

It's time to dispel some of the myths surrounding blogging and make people face the realities before they fall into one of the many Hidden Traps associated with online platforms.

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The Importance of Press Kits—Even for the Debut Writer

Some years ago, I encountered a post that spoke about the importance of having a press kit on your website, even if you were a debut writer. By a press kit, they meant having downloadable pictures and copies of your bio of various formats, and of course, information about your new book. The press kit could be used by anyone for almost any purpose, but it was a form of advertising.

I have no idea on what blog I saw that post on all those years ago, but I remember getting my A into G and putting together a press kit page on my personal website, complete with information about the book that was being released at the time. Since then, I have updated the page to focus on more recent publications, and I keep updating it.

However, in the last week, I have discovered how important having the press kit page really is.Read More

Is your profile a turnoff?

Publishing has always been a business, and writers are expected to build brands, which consists not only of the books they write, but also of their social media and online presence. Our non-writing activities have always been a part of this whole marketing thing, and how we handle that message is just part of the game. However, the internet has added a "now" component to the marketing equation that wasn't there before, and disaster is waiting to happen.

Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog (and my personal blog) will know that I'm a big fan of protecting oneself on the internet, protecting one's physical and cyber security, as well as one's reputation. But there could be aspects with what you are doing that could be a massive turnoff... and you don't even know it.

I'm talking about the overall message behind what it is that you're posting. I'm talking about your profile as a whole: the bio, the photos, and the individual messages. I'm talking about the public face that you present to the world.

And it all boils down to two things: politics and religion. They are both incredibly sensitive topics, but they also have their fingers wrapped around almost everything that we do.

Let me explain further.

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