Plotter vs Pantser: Is one really better than the other?

I have found myself in a few conversations lately about the merits of being a plotter or a pantser, with interesting insights on the two different concepts. In reality, the conversations always comes down to how we are all different and how there is no one way to get the initial draft on paper. We all do what we have to do to make the writing happen, but it is interesting how many of us have multiple tactics up our sleeves. Sometimes, we're forced to change gear and try something else.

So, which really is better? Well... It would seem that the answer is nowhere near as simple as the question.

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Knowledge, Self-Doubt and Support

Every writer goes through moments of self doubt. None of us are immune. It’s a natural part of the process. These feelings come in waves, often striking hardest when we’ve taken a step outside of our comfort zone — sometimes triggered by a setback.

If you scour the internet, you’ll find many inspirational stories where one has pushed through the self doubt and has gone on to bigger and better things. However, none of these stories give you insights into how one might actually push through the self doubt.

In truth, there is only one way: the support of those around you, but not family and friends.

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Creating Focus for Your Writing

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a large number of writing projects on the go. Every time I turn around, there's another idea that pops into my head that calls my attention. However, one needs to find a way to focus their writing efforts, so they actually complete their projects.

Developing focus is one of the topics that I have found myself talking about with my mentoring clients and in my personal writing groups. There seems to be a general consensus. If you are wanting to eventually turn your writing into a way of making a living, you need to tackle this issue by compartmentalizing your writing.

Let me explain further.

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Writing to Become a Published Writer

Most writers start their journeys with the idea that they will eventually become published. That is an admirable goal and one that I support wholeheartedly. There will be a few who have no desire to head down that path, and I support that decision too. Writing is a journey that is different for everyone.

However, for those determined to one day be published, be it self-published or traditionally published, there is a particular mindset that you will need to develop. This is just a few things that you will need to do to the help you on your journey toward the road of success.

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Refueling the Writing Muse

We are approaching the middle of the NaNoWriMo season, and it's about this time of the month when some writers start to run out of steam. Whatever motivation they had when they embarked on the challenge has begun to wane. It's time to refuel the muse, so we can keep going.

Here are 9 different methods that could help you get back into the flow of writing.

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Make Goals Public and Real

Every year, some of my writing buddies get all depressed because they had set themselves some goals for last year that they failed to achieve. The Little Miss Optimist in me is forced to come in and reminded them of all the things they have achieve instead. It’s that silver-lining view, but so many forget to use it.

Sometimes it’s a knock back to see that massive goal that you had set yourself come crumbling down around your ears. However, that goal was set for a reason. Without it, you wouldn’t spend the time necessary to turn that goal into a reality. And sometimes, you might have actually achieved your goal, but just not in the way you had expected.Read More