Provides profiles, contact information, and submission details for more than one thousand literary agents seeking clients, with tips on revisions, query letters, research, and preparing book proposals.
The Best Resource Available for Finding a Literary Agent, fully revised and updated
No matter what you’re writing—fiction or nonfiction, books for adults or children—you need a literary agent to get the best book deal possible from a traditional publisher. Guide to Literary Agents 30th edition is your go-to resource for finding that literary agent and earning a contract from a reputable publisher. Along with listing information for more than 1,000 agents who represent writers and their books, the 30th edition of GLA includes:
• Hundreds of updated listings for literary agents and writing conferences
• Informative articles on crafting effective queries, synopses, and book proposals (and the agent query tracker)
• Plus, a 30-Day Platform Challenge to help writers build their writing platforms
• Includes 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing