This book provides writers with another set of tools when thinking about their story, even if you're a panster.
The plotters might want to apply the techniques during the plotting and early development phase. Whereas the pantsers might want to use the techniques in this book as part of their developmental editing phase.
The BW Book Club reviewed this book in December 2024.
Whether you’re writing your first novel or your tenth, there is a temptation to pin it to the page before it disappears. It’s such a brilliant idea and you can see the whole thing shimmering in your mind, just out of reach. Maybe you do some work on character development and plotting, but you’re a racehorse at the gate, ready to run, ready to write.
This book is an argument to stop and define the foundational elements of your story before you keep writing – which means understanding your motivation as a writer, considering your reader’s expectations, and making sure your story has a solid structure that will hold up inside and out from beginning to end. This clarity is what gives a novel its power and a writer their confidence.
Jennie Nash is the creator of the Book Coach Certification program at Author Accelerator and has taught hundreds of book coaches and thousands of novelists how to use the Blueprint for a Book system-and the Inside Outline at the heart of it – to help them produce their best work in the most efficient way.