Do you have an article that you would like to share about writing, editing, publishing, marketing, or the things that you have learned along the way? We would love to hear from you.
The Editor's Blog on Black Wolf Editorial is open to guest blog submissions. Articles are nominally of the length between 1000 and 2000 words, sometimes longer if the topic warrants it. Topics could include the basics of writing, tricks in editing and publishing, advice for marketing books, and even self-reflective stories about some of the things that you have learned during your journey as a writer.
If you have a blog post idea that you feel would be suitable for the Editor's Blog, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below. Include 1 – 2 sentences about your post and why you feel our site would be best suited for your article.
For advice on how to pitch a blog post, check out this blog post.
Topics we are particularly interested in
There is so much advice out there, and everyone's approach to things it different. We are particularly interested in articles on the following:
- Tricks for writing those unique scenes (e.g., sex scenes, fight scenes).
- Characterizations associated with unique characters (e.g., spies and assassins).
- Putting the facts into fiction, be it science or other aspects that are often portrayed wrong.
- Any articles about your experiences associated with working with editors, publishing, or marketing.
- Book reviews on a writer's resource, such as The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi. (Please take a look at our recommended book list for the types of books that we will accept reviews on.)
We are interested in articles that hone in on a particular topic, diving into the nitty-gritty. Please share your thoughts and opinions, providing sound reasoning for the recommendations that you have. While generalized articles are okay, they aren't that well suited for our audience. Specifics are better.
What we will not publish
We are NOT interested in the following:
- No to book reviews that are not writer's resources
- No to author interview
- Instant NO to articles on "how to grow your online business".
- Please stop pitching these articles to us. If you have pitched yet another CRM or some other online business article, we will not respond. It's an instant NO!
Please keep in mind that this is a blog for an editorial company. We reserve the right to insist on a minimum standard of grammatical correctness.
What you get?
As much as we would love to, we don't pay for articles published on our site. However, authors retain rights, so you may seek to have the article published elsewhere at any time.
An author's bio, a profile photo, and links to your personal work will be included as part of the post. If you don't have a bio, that's okay. Just contact us, and we can help you put one together.
Be advised that any images supplied with your post must be copyright free or have a copyright release attached. If no images are supplied, then the site administrator will source suitable images to accompany your post. Once a post is made public, it will not be removed, except at the discretion of the site administrator.
If you are interesting in writing a guest blog post for our site, please use the contact form below. Any data collected via this form will be used for the sole purpose of administering guest blog posts. Your privacy is important to us.