Should fiction writers use an NDA?

Recently, a topic came up in one of my many discussion forums about whether a writer should insist on using a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) when working with editors. It's not the first time that I've encountered the question.

I understand the rationale behind it, but I also feel that it comes from a place of fear and the lack of understanding of how copyright law works.

In today's post, I want to address this idea of using NDAs when working with editors, and I want to explain why I advise against them for fiction novelists.

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The Real Costs of Editing… Again

Every so often, I find myself in a situation where I have a discussion about the real costs of editing. In the past, when I have had this conversation on my blog, it has been about the time it takes to read a document and the effective editing time as a consequence. However, recently I have found myself in a situation where perspective clients have been assuming that my rates for larger projects are based on my sample contract rate.

Whenever I have an inquiry from a perspective client, in the initial response that I send back, there is often the offer of a sample contract. I do not offer free sample edits—I never have and I never will—but I do offer a smaller substantive editing contract that does not need to go through my full onboarding vetting process. Any prospective client who wants to see what I could do with their work on a smaller scale are given the opportunity to employ my services through this smaller contract. I also point out that should a larger contract come from this, containing the same words that were found in the sample contract (with some editing expected), the sample contract can be used to offset the cost associated for the larger contract.

But here is where assumptions were made.

There have been some prospective clients that have taken the fee associated with the sample contract and have extrapolated the cost associated for their manuscripts based on a linear scale. As such, they assumed that I would be charging in the order of US$6000 for an edit on 100,000 words. This is certainly not the case.

My father is often fond of saying that when you "assume" things that you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". And this particular assumption is no exception.

In today's post, I want to highlight why this assumption is a bad assumption, and I want to bring to your attention some of the facts associated with the real costs of editing.

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A free website is still a website

If you’re not sure exactly what you want to achieve with your website, start with a free one. There is nothing wrong with a free website. Using providers like, you can create professional sites with little effort, without it costing you the earth.

Free websites from providers like, Weebly, and Wix all have a few things in common.

All of them have no contracts or fees when starting out. They will allow you to choose a domain name, but they will give you a subdomain URL in the form of This is not a bad thing, because at least you are building your brand recognition with your chosen name.

They often use user-friendly page builder tools, though some are more user-friendly than others. And there are often a number of themes that you can choose from for your websites. No technical skills are required to get your website up and going—you just need the content.

However, the free options also possess similar cons too.

The options and resources available for your websites will be limited. For example, Wix and Weebly don’t allow you to embed signup forms on your website to external providers. On, you might not be able to have an embedded form, but you can use a popup signup form to common email list providers.

The free sites also tend to offer limited technical support, and they might require you to pay for add-ons or upgrades to become fully usable sites. They will restrict how much customization you have access to, limiting how much of your branding you can incorporate into your site.

And the biggest con: the cost of a free website is the advertising that providers put on your website. Sometimes, you can influence what ads are shown, but more often than not, you can’t.

I know I’m sounding a little negative about free sites here, but seriously, they are a good option for newer and emerging writers. I started out on a free website from with a custom domain mapped onto it. If it wasn’t for business decisions that I made years ago, I would likely still be using that free website, nearly a decade after it was first created.

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Building a Basic Author Website

There are so many things that a writer needs to think about as they navigate the publishing industry, and the internet has added a whole other layer of complexity to the equation. There’s social media and the headaches about building a fan base there. There’s the email list and the management of a newsletter.

But if there is only one thing that you do on the internet for your online platform, create a website.

All writers seeking publication, traditionally or self-published, NEED a website. No exception. Your website is your online home. It’s the place where readers will go to get the latest information about your various projects, both old and new. You will likely have a list of all your published books, links to where they can be purchased, and links to interviews and other goodies. Yes, your social media will likely have information about the latest happenings too; however, any older material is quickly buried.

Seriously, folks, the moment you decide that you ultimately want to be published, start thinking about that website. And you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg on fancy website designs either. No need to stress yourself about learning HTML or CSS. Just focus on the page content and get it out there.

In today’s post, we’re going to explore the bare-minimum website for writers.

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Young woman at a computer, surrounded by "Hello" in different languages.

How to Write Realistic Dialogue with non-native English Speakers

Writing takes a community, sharing ideas and supporting one another. So, when we get approached with an article that shares hard-earned knowledge, we couldn't be happier to pass that information.

When Meredith Rankin reached out to me with an article about how to write dialogue with those who are still learning how to speak English, I was over the moon. While I am surrounded by those whose first language wasn't English (my own husband being one of them), it never occured to me how to treat this in the written form. But Meredith has some solid advice for writers.

Over to you, Meredith.

How to Write Realistic Dialogue between English Speakers and English-language Learners

Fiction often treats second language fluency as an all or nothing issue. Either the characters are completely fluent in the second language, or they’re completely ignorant of the language. That’s unrealistic. In my latest manuscript, I tried to convey the complexities of language learning.

Realistically, becoming totally fluent in another language takes years for most adults. Everyone learns at different speeds and the learning process is affected by myriad factors, including some outside the learner’s control. When I volunteer-taught English as a foreign language (EFL), I had students who were homebound because they had poor health or caring for loved ones; I had other students who were immersed daily in the language. Their progression differed accordingly.

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Understanding the Nature of the Antagonist

When we start the conversation about the protagonist and the antagonist, some writers instantly jump to the conclusion that we are referring to a good-guy-vs-bad-guy story.

One might ask, "What if I don't have a villain in my story?"

My response: "Not all stories have villains. But all stories have characters striving towards a goal of some sort… and there is always something getting in the way."

I dove deeper into this idea in a previous post, highlighting that the role of the antagonist in a story is to get in the way of the protagonist achieving those goals, whatever those goals happen to be. But your protagonist is not necessarily the good guy of the story. And the antagonist is not necessarily another character. The good-guy-vs-bad-guy concept is one of many protagonist/antagonist pairings that might exist.

It's time to take a dive into the different types of antagonists found in stories. And not all of them are characters. We'll be looking at the classic good-guy-vs-bad-guy trope, but we're also going to dive into man-vs-nature and man-vs-self.

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Should you hire an editor who isn’t published?

Editors have their insecurities just as much as writers do. One common insecurity among editors is how to handle the situation where people won't hire us (or trust our knowledge) simply because we aren't published ourselves.

Editing can be very expensive, so writers want to ensure that their money is not being wasted. They want assurances that the editor being hired is able to do the job and do it well.

However, just because a person has published a book doesn't mean that they would be a good editor. And just because they haven't published doesn't mean that they would be a lousy editor. All it means is that they've published… or haven't published.

Yet, I have seen this rotten advice given to newer writers time and time again on social media feeds.

Let me say it right now: Anyone who swears by this rotten advice is missing out on the services of some extremely talented editors who have years (and, in some cases, decades) of experience behind them.

In today's post, I want to take a deep dive into why this rotten advice is rotten, and explain why you can't focus entirely on an editor's personal publication history when seeking their services.

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7 Simple Ways to Reinvigorate Your Creative Spirit (Guest Blog from Marcus Lansky)

Writing takes a community, sharing ideas and supporting one another. So, when we get approached with an article that shares hard-earned knowledge, we couldn't be happier to pass that information.

Today's post is written by Marcus Lansky. Marcus is what he calls an abilitator, working with people with differing abilities to start their own businesses. Writers, as much as they might hate the idea, are small business owners, particularly if they are selling their books and earning money from their writing (even if it is a small amount of writing). Marcus reached out to us with some ideas on how to get the creative juices flowing.

Ignite Your Creativity: Simple Ways to Reinvigorate Your Creative Spirit

Rediscover the spark that fuels your imagination and innovation. Creativity is a crucial asset in both your personal and professional life, but it's common to hit a wall where ideas cease to flow as freely as they once did. Facing creative burnout can feel like standing at a crossroads without a sign. This article explores seven actionable strategies to rejuvenate your creative energies and help you thrive once more.

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Using stock images doesn’t mean your covers are AI-generated

I'm not going to argue that the introduction of AI-generated material has changed how we view things. From copyright to the quality of images and writing, systems like ChatGPT and Midjourney have been a game-changer. I'm not going to even talk about the ethics that revolve around using such systems. No, that is a discussion for another day.

But the technology, or more appropriately the lack of understanding of the technology, has led to some ludicrous statements.

How would you react if someone tried to tell you that because your covers used images found in a stock photography website catalog that your covers were AI-generated? That because the fonts used on your covers were in a catalog on the internet that your covers were AI-generated? Oh, and because the graphic designer used Adobe Photoshop to create the cover makes that cover AI-generated?

Well, if you were me during that conversation, you would have had a field day.

Let me set the stage.

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The Role of the Antagonist

When we start the conversation about the protagonist and the antagonist, some writers will instantly jump to the conclusion that we are referring to a "good guy vs bad guy" story.

One might ask, "What if I don't have a villain in my story?"

My response: "Not all stories have villains. But all stories have characters striving towards a goal of some sort… and there is always something getting in the way."

It is that understanding of a character's goal, and consequently what is getting in the way, that helps us to understand the protagonist and antagonist for our story.

In today's post, I want to examine what really makes the protagonist the protagonist… and what the role of the antagonist is.

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