7 Simple Ways to Reinvigorate Your Creative Spirit (Guest Blog from Marcus Lansky)

Writing takes a community, sharing ideas and supporting one another. So, when we get approached with an article that shares hard-earned knowledge, we couldn't be happier to pass that information.

Today's post is written by Marcus Lansky. Marcus is what he calls an abilitator, working with people with differing abilities to start their own businesses. Writers, as much as they might hate the idea, are small business owners, particularly if they are selling their books and earning money from their writing (even if it is a small amount of writing). Marcus reached out to us with some ideas on how to get the creative juices flowing.

Ignite Your Creativity: Simple Ways to Reinvigorate Your Creative Spirit

Rediscover the spark that fuels your imagination and innovation. Creativity is a crucial asset in both your personal and professional life, but it's common to hit a wall where ideas cease to flow as freely as they once did. Facing creative burnout can feel like standing at a crossroads without a sign. This article explores seven actionable strategies to rejuvenate your creative energies and help you thrive once more.

Explore New Mediums

Venture beyond your usual canvas or keyboard. Experimenting with different forms of art or creative expression can lead to unexpected discoveries about your own capabilities. By stepping outside your comfort zone, you open yourself up to a world of inspiration and learning. This approach diversifies your creative portfolio and injects a refreshing boost into your routine.

Broaden Your Horizons

Dive into books, articles, and content that span various subjects and genres. This exposure broadens your understanding and can spark innovative ideas by connecting seemingly unrelated dots. Engaging with different types of content can also enhance your critical thinking skills, enabling you to approach challenges from multiple angles. The act of learning from diverse sources enriches your perspective, making you more adept at solving problems creatively.

Start a Business

Starting a creative business involves many important decisions, one of which is selecting your business structure. The term business structure refers to how your business is organized and significantly affects its daily operations and tax obligations. The structure you choose—be it a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation—also determines your personal liability in the business.

Note from Judy L Mohr, The Black Wolf Editor:

All writers who are selling their writing for some sort of financial return are small business owners, regardless of whether you think of yourself as such or not. In most cases, writers are running what would be called a sole proprietorship. But some writers take things to the next level and create an LLC (what is called an LTD within New Zealand), but not all. While the link provided above includes useful information, please be aware that the actual process for registering a business is different from region to region, state to state, country to country. Tax obligations are different too. Be sure that you know what the rules and regulations are for your locality.

Observe and Reflect

Take time to really see the world around you and ponder your experiences. This practice can transform everyday observations into profound insights. Reflection turns personal and external experiences into a deep well of inspiration, encouraging a thoughtful approach to creativity that resonates with authenticity.

Agreeing to Work

A letter of intent in business is a document outlining the preliminary understanding between parties before finalizing a formal agreement. You can use letters of intent to announce new transactions or relationships before finalizing official documents like definitive agreements; it serves as a mutual commitment and can help expedite the process of reaching a final deal, such as for a piece of artwork. For more details on how to draft a letter of intent, check it out online.

Stay Curious

Foster an insatiable desire to learn and understand more about the world. This curiosity drives you to explore topics in depth, leading to a richer pool of ideas from which to draw. Engaging with different perspectives and disciplines can also enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This relentless pursuit of knowledge keeps your creative well from running dry, ensuring you always have fresh ideas to explore.

Free Writing

Allocate time each day to write without constraints or objectives. This exercise clears mental blockages and can lead to discovering novel concepts and connections. Additionally, it helps improve your writing skills and encourages a habit of regular reflection. Free writing acts as a conduit for inner thoughts and ideas, allowing them to flow without the barriers of judgment or expectation.

Cultivate your creativity as it is integral to both personal fulfillment and professional success. The strategies outlined above offer practical steps toward reigniting your creative spirit. Integrating these tips into your daily life rejuvenates your creativity and ensures you remain an innovative and dynamic force in all your endeavors. Take these insights and apply them; your creativity awaits.

About the Author

Marcus Lansky is an abilitator: one who helps people with differing abilities start their own businesses through training and/or mentorship. He created his site, Abilitator, as a way to reach out to those who are disabled and show them that becoming an entrepreneur is a goal they too can achieve.

Check out his website for more information.

(Stock photo image used for profile photos is by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay)

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Copyright © 2022 Judy L Mohr. All rights reserved.

This article first appeared on blackwolfeditorial.com

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